When people interested in brick ovens find this blog, they may also go to my website:
From there, they may contact me via email or the TBO checklist option. None of these are personal and in this digital age that works for many.

However, I do get calls the archaic way, on my cell phone, sometimes from places as far off as Belgium and Australia. Rather than the potential distraction from my work as a designer/builder, these calls are enjoyable because the conversations are on common ground.
This coming weekend, in Fryeburg, Maine, I will be demonstrating brick oven cooking and a number of professional chefs will join me at the Northern New England Home and Garden Show.
I've met thousands of people there over the years and look forward to a weekend of cooking and assisting chefs at the Meet the Chefs pavilion. You can't miss the oven. It's just inside the entrance adjacent to its own event tent. I look forward to meeting you.
Buono appetito!
David Neufeld
Post Script:
The weekend of brick oven cooking with chefs and talking was fruitful. For any of you who met me and spoke with me, thank you.